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This is the story of little Mari. She's running around and climbing up and over stuff. She knows how to play hide and seek. She's a real cutie and you can find all the latest news about her here on the Mariwatch! Come back often and watch her grow up! :-) |
Mari's first days
Mari after 2 weeks Mari 1 month old Mari's first shower and laughs Mari gets her immunization shots at the doctor's. March 29, 1997 Mari went to the Wild Animal Park for the first time. She saw the butterfly exhibit and got a stuffed rhino to take home. April 12, 1997 Mari went to the San Diego Zoo. She smiled at the lions and took home a white polar bear. She also went to the botanical garden in Balboa park and had her picture taken with the lilies. April 19, 1997 Mari went to the Costco for this first time. She took home some free diapers and a month's worth of formula. Later that day she had her first taste of cereal. April 26, 1997 Mari rolled over onto her stomach for the first time! She also went to Eric's Rib Place for the first time. I think she was cranky though cause she's not old enough to eat ribs yet... May 7, 1997 Mari got more shots today and went to Sears Portrait Studio for her 4 month photos. She weighs 12 lbs 12oz's now! May 17, 1997 Mari gets her first bath toys from Fedco and tries them out. :-) May 25, 1997 Mari gets recorded on DAT. June 3, 1997 Mari visits the beach for the first time. She got her feet wet and likes the water! June 22, 1997 Mari goes out for Chinese food and gets her first taste of ice cream. :-) June 29, 1997 To celebrate her first 6 months Mari goes to Target for her first computer! She also gets her first hi-chair from Toys-R-Us. July 1, 1997 Mari has a big 6 month birthday cake (QuickTime Video) and she's videotaped digging in! July 2, 1997 Mari plays ball (QuickTime Video) with Shanise! July 5, 1997 Mari rolls around (Quick Time Video) the living room and she pushes herself forward while trying to crawl. July 14, 1997 Mari crawls for the first time!!!! She's getting into everything now! July 21, 1997 Mari starts swim lessons. August 4, 1997 Mari says her first words! "Ma ma..." August 5, 1997 Mari stands for the first time! Twice in fact! September 2, 1997 Mari weighs 15lbs. 9ozs.! September 21, 1997 Mari gets her first pair of shoes at Stride-Rite! September 28, 1997 Mari stands up and walks! October 11, 1997 Mari meets her grandmother. November 8, 1997 Check out Mari's cute Halloween outfit! November 22, 1997 Mari goes to the opening of the new children's area in Balboa Park! December 1, 1997 Mari celebrates her first birthday! December 25, 1997 Mari opens Christmas presents! February 22, 1998 Mari gets her first haircut! She spends the day at The Children's Museum. March 21, 1998 Mari and dad get portraits at Phel Steinmetz's studio! Phel prints some black and white pictures for Christmas! June 20, 1998 Mari's vocabulary is growing fast. She's learned: please, thank you, purple, blue, nose, eye, shoe. She says daddy alot. :-) June 21, 1998 Mari says Happy! Next year she'll be cranking out Happy Father's day with ease. :-) June 27, 1998 Mari visits Scripps Aquarium for the first time! June 31, 1998 Mari is 1 1/2 today! July 12, 1998 Mari sticks her tongue out for the first time! July 14, 1998 Mari uses the potty for the first time. :-) July 27, 1998 Mari starts her 2 week swim class at the Clairemont Community Pool! September 12, 1998 Mari learns how to feed ducks! October 17, 1998 Mari goes to Sam and Kathy's wedding! October 31, 1998 Mari goes on a pony ride and trick or treating! December 31, 1998 Mari is 2 years old! December 21, 1998 Mari plays in the University City McDonald's fun zone! December 24, 1998 Mari has her portrait taken by Phel Steinmetz and gets some of her Christmas presents! January 9, 1999 Mari starts gymnastics class at UCSD! January 23, 1999 Mari is potty trained! February 28, 1999 Mari gets her Valentines Day brunch! March 20, 1999 Mari creates art at The Children's Museum! April 3, 1999 Mari hunts for Easter eggs! April 24, 1999 Mari goes on a llama ride! May 1, 1999 Mari checks out the Pacific Beach Street Fair! May 13, 1999 Mari goes to Disneyland! June 12, 1999 Mari hangs at McDonald's + Doyle Park. June 19, 1999 Mari gets a tricycle! June 23, 1999 Mari goes for a spin at the Del Mar Fair Kiddyland! July 9. 1999 Mari goes to the San Diego Zoo! August 5, 1999 Mari tries out the rides at Legoland! August 20, 1999 Mari visits Legoland again! September 3, 1999 Mari goes boo boo in her potty seat by herself! She also visits The Wild Animal Park. September 11, 1999 Mari meets Pooh at storytime! September 17, 1999 Mari goes to the UCSD bbq! October 2, 1999 Mari meets The Cat in The Hat! October 16, 1999 Mari plays with her new G4 450MHz the fastest mac on the face of the earth. October 23, 1999 Mari visits a pumpkin patch. October 29, 1999 Mari gets her Halloween pictures taken at Expressly Portraits! November 14, 1999 Mari goes to Disneyland to see the Mulan Parade! November 20, 1999 Mari meets Arthur at Bookstar! November 27, 1999 Mari goes on a fire engine ride at the mall! December 1, 1999 Mari turns 3! Decembr 3, 1999 Mari goes to Legoland and gives Santa her Christmas list! December 17, 1999 Mari wishes everyone a Merry Christmas! December 25, 1999 Mari opens her Christmas presents! January 7, 2000 Dad brings home a bunch of fortune cookies from Macworld San Francisco! Golden Gate Fortune Cookies Co., 56 Ross Alley, San Francisco CA 94108 January 22, 2000 Mari has portraits taken with dad by Phel Steinmetz! February 1, 2000 Mari learns how to play hide and go seek! February 18, 2000 Mari visits the baby Panda at the San Diego Zoo! March 4, 2000 Mari meets Curious George! She also gets a certificate from UCSD gymnastics! March 18, 2000 Mari meets the Easter Bunny! April 2, 2000 Mari goes to Disneyland! April 15, 2000 Mari makes movies at the UCSD cultural fair! April 21, 2000 Mari meets Spot at storytime! May 6, 2000 Mari meets Madeline at Bookstar! July 1, 2000 Mari plays with Maisy at Bookstar! July 5, 2000 Mari spends her first day at preschool! September 16, 2000 Mari meets Lyle the Crocadile at storytime! October 14, 2000 Mari sees the Cat In the Hat at storytime! October 29, 2000 Mari learns pumpkin carving with Lori! October 31, 2000 Mari dresses up as a flower garden for Halloween! December 1, 2000 Mari goes fishing for the first time at Poway Lake! December 9. 2000 Mari meets Cordoroy the Bear at Bookstar! December 12, 2000 Mari sings her abc's by the Christmas tree! January 20, 2001 Mari meets Lil Critter at storytime! January 29, 2001 Mari preview Disney's California Adventure! February 3+4, 2001 Mari celebrates Chinese New Year in downtown San Diego! February 15, 2001 Mari visits Chinatown in Los Angeles! February 17, 2001 Mari plays with Madeline at storytime! March 15, 2001 Mari at funastics class at her preschool! April 14, 2001 Mari goes Easter Egg hunting and visits Circus Vargas! April 15, 2001 Mari goes Easter Egg hunting with Jakey! May 5, 2001 Mari goes to the Da Vinci Tournament and wins boffer competition for her age class! May 11, 2001 Mari visits Sea World! May 12, 2001 Mari goes to Legoland and tries driving, and flying before she is locked up! Later she she is silly! June 19, 2001 Mari gets her own webserver and domain name! mariweb.org June 22, 2001 Mari goes to the Del Mar Fair! June 30, 2001 Mari visits Chinatown Los Angeles and gets a new sword! July 7, 2001 Mari plays in the water and builds a sand castle with Chris at La Jolla Shores! July 21, 2001 Mari makes a new friend at the pool and gets a surfing lesson!! She also dives and goes after her goggles! July 22, 2001 Mari goes to Comic-con! She's 41" and 39lbs now! July 31, 2004 Mari goes swimming in our pool! August 3, 2001 Mari goes fishing at Lake Cuyamaca and catches fish for the first time! 2 crappie! August 25, 2001 Mari learns to boogie board at La Jolla Shores! She gets bopped, paddles a surfboard, and does her strokes at swim class. September 29, 2001 Mari has portraits taken in Phel Steinmetz's studio! October 18, 2001 Mari is Good Citizen of the Month at kindergarden and she celebrates! October 20, 2001 Mari decorates a pumpkin, makes goo, rides the lead llama and the rear guard llama, plays the numbers game, and ring toss at the UCSD open house. October 27, 2001 Mari goes to Brick or Treat at Legoland! She pans for gold there! October 31, 2001 Mari dresses as Tinker Bell! She trick or treats and finds a scary house! November 21, 2001 Mari goes to the Apple Store opening in Fashion Valley! December 1, 2001 Mari celebrates her birthday at Benihana's! She watches her fried rice cook in front of her, a volcano of onions smoke, and chomps on corn. She also blows out her candle, opens her presents, and hugs her mommy. December 24, 2001 Mari meets Santa at Legoland and watches the fireworks show! January 2, 2002 Mari goes fishing at Lake Cuyamaca! January 4, 2002 Mari attends the funeral service for her grandfather. April 20,2002 Mari has fun in her kindergarden class! May 25, 2002 Mari goes to the carnival at her school! June 3, 2002 Mari goes on a field trip to Mission Trails! June 10, 2002 Mari has a dress rehersal for her dance recital! June 12, 2002 Mari graduates from kindergarden! June 15, 2002 Mari performs in a dance recital! June 28, 2002 Mari goes to the San Diego Fair with the Brownie Scouts! She goes on a bunch of rides! July 1, 2002 Mari learns Chinese brush stroke painting with Percy! July 6, 2002 Mari picks strawberries in Carlsbad! July 8-12, 2002 Mari goes to camp at the San Diego Zoo! July 19, 2002 Mari goes fishing at Lake Cuyamaca! August 5, 2002 Mari rides her bike without training wheels! She weighs 48lbs! August 8, 2002 Mari goes to Ringling Bros. and Barnum Bailey circus! August 17, 2002 Mari gets her portraits taken at Phel's studio! August 23, 2002 Mari gets a private tour of fire station 35! September 7, 2002 Mari goes to Jakie's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese's! October 12, 2002 Mari has fun at the UCSD open house! October 24, 2002 Mari is awarded Student of the Month for academic achivement and leadership! October 31, 2002 Mari goes to a Halloween carnival at her school and she dresses as a butterfly! November 2, 2002 Mari goes on a UNICEF walk at Sea World and she looses her first tooth! November 9, 2002 Mari goes to rock climbing class at UCSD! November 16,2002 Mari goes to the Children's Discovery Museum in Carlsbad! November 20, 2002 Mari visits Bell Gardens and learns about farming as well as trying out the train ride and tractor ride! November 30, 2002 Mari celebrates her birthday at Benihanna's! Baidan and her family sing for her and she opens her presents! December 19, 2002 Mari sings Santa Claus Comes to Town with her class! December 21, 2002 Mari tries out the merry go round at Seaport Village! December 23, 2002 Mari goes fishing at Lake Dixon! January 18, 2003 Mari and her Brownie Scout troup are in the Martin Luther King Parade! January 19, 2003 Mari goes to the NFL Experience! February 1, 2003 Mari celebrates Chinese New Year in downtown San Diego! February 28, 2003 Percy teaches Chinese brush stroke painting in Mari's class. March 8, 2003 Mari sells Girl Scout cookies in front of Ralphs. March 15, 2003 Mari sells Girl Scout cookies! March 20, 2003 Mari is student of the month for academic achievement! March 29, 2003 Mari gets a Chinese brush stroke painting lesson from Percy! March 31, 2003 Mari goes rock climbing at UCSD! April 4, 2003 Mari goes rock climbing at UCSD! April 5, 2003 Mari goes to Disneyland! April 6, 2003 Mari goes to California Adventure! April 26, 2003 Mari goes to Balboa Park and checks out the Museum of Photographic Arts! May 3, 2003 Mari runs in the Dr. Suess Race for Literacy! May 15, 2003 Mari checks out an indian powwow at Balboa Park! May 30, 2003 Mari goes hiking at San Dieguito Park! June 4, 2003 Mari goes to a Girl Scout Award dinner and gets her prizes! June 18, 2003 Mari and Jacqui go to the Del Mar Fair! June 28, 2003 Mari learns how to take pictures at the Wild Animal Park! June 29, 2003 Mari goes boogie boarding with Maggie, Jacqui, Quentin, and Tristan at La Jolla Shores! July 11, 2003 Mari goes hiking at San Elijo Lagoon and plays at San Dieguito Park! July 12, 2003 Mari weighs 60.5 lbs and is 49" tall! July 20, 2003 Mari checks out the San Diego Comic Con! July 26, 2003 Mari goes to Legoland! August 2, 2003 Mari goes to an SCA event at UCSD! August 7, 2003 Mari goes to the Barnum and Bailey Circus with the girl scouts! August 9, 2003 Mari goes to the family picnic! August 10, 2003 Mari goes to Legoland! August 13, 2003 Mari goes to Chinatown Los Angeles! August 16, 2003 Mari goes to Baidan's birthday party! August 17, 2003 Mari goes boogie boarding at La Jolla Shores! September 4, 2003 Mari goes to Jakie's birthday party at Boomers! October 4, 2003 Mari goes to the SCA event at UCSD! October 23, 2003 Mari gets a Student of the Month award! October 24, 2003 Mari has fun at Safety Day and attends the grand opening of the UTC Apple Store! October 25, 2003 Mari goes to the UCSD Open House! October 31, 2003 Mari is a Star Princess for Halloween! November 1, 2003 Mari goes to Christopher's birthday party! November 3, 2003 Mari goes to the zoo with her class! November 16, 2003 Mari loses a tooth! November 29, 2003 Mari visits Chinatown Los Angeles and she weighs 68 lbs now! December 6, 2003 Mari goes bowling and decorates our Christmas tree! December 18, 2003 Mari sings in the Nubia Holiday Program! December 20, 2003 Mari attends Adriana's Christmas Party! December 27, 2003 Mari visits Santa at Legoland! December 31, 2003 Mari has a birthday party! January 1, 2004 Mari goes to Disneyland! January 17, 2004 Mari is in the Martin Luther King Parade and she goes rollar skating! February 1, 2004 Mari goes biking! February 7, 2004 Mari is in a Tai Kwan Do tournament! February 13, 2004 Mari goes to Disneyland! February 22, 2004 Mari plays in the snow for the first time at Mt. Laguna! February 29, 2004 Mari's mommy gets married! March 3, 2004 Mari goes sledding at Mt. Laguna! March 6, 2004 Mari visits Mt. Palomar for the first time! March 13, 2004 Mari weighs 70lbs! She sells girl scout cookies with her friends! March 21, 2004 Mari goes on the San Diego Harbor Excursion for the first time! May 30, 2004 Mari goes to Holly's pool party! June 5, 2004 Mari goes to Tajah's birthday party! June 12, 2004 Mari goes rock climbing at REI! June 27, 2004 Mari goes to the Del Mar Fair! July 5, 2004 Mari goes to California Adventure! July 10, 2004 Mari goes swimming! July 24, 2004 Mari goes to San Diego Comic con! August 8, 2004 Mari goes boogie boarding at La Jolla Shores! August 14, 2004 Mari goes to the family picnic! August 24, 2004 Mari visits San Francisco for the first time! She stays for a week in the Hyatt at Fisherman's Wharf. August 25, 2004 Mari visits Union Square and Ghirardelli Square on the cable car! August 26, 2004 Mari visits the San Francisco Zoo and the Exploratorium! Afterwards she checks out Baker Beach and the Golden Gate Bridge! August 27, 2004 Mari goes on the San Francisco Bay cruise! August 28, 2004 Mari visits the Steinhart Aquarium and Chinatown! August 29, 2004 Mari leaves San Francisco and goes down Highway 1 to Monterey! August 30 Mari visits the Monterey Bay Aquarium and Fisherman's Wharf! There is a Bubba Gump Shrimp Co there! September 18, 2004 Mari tests for her yellow belt in Okinawa Ryuei Ryu Karate and Kobudo Ryuho Kai! October 23, 2004 Mari is 53.6" tall! October 31, 2004 Mari goes to 2 Halloween parties! November 28, 2004 Mari plays badminton with Lea! December 22, 2004 Mari visits Disneyland! December 25, 2004 Mari celebrates Christmas! December 31, 2004 Mari has her birthday party at Benihana! February 13, 2005 Mari celebrates Chinese New Year in downtown San Diego! March 13, 2005 Mari plays with her new rotweiller puppy Kreiger! March 19, 2005 Mari goes to Legoland to celebrate daddy and Jacque's birthday! April 2, 2005 Mari goes with daddy on her first whale watching trip! April 8, 2005 Mari goes to spaghetti dinner at her school. April 9, 2005 Mari takes her blue belt test! May 15, 2005 Mari gets braces to straighten her teeth! May 28, 2005 Mari enters the 19th annual UCSD Karate Kobudo Tournament! June 4, 2005 Mari goes to Tajah and Jimmie Jr's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese! June 17, 2005 Mari and Micaela hang out and Denny's! June 30, 2005 Mari visits the Del Mar Fair! July 14, 2005 Mari goes to San Diego Comic Con 2005! November 16, 2005 Mari visits her grandmother at Evergreen Carmel Mountain Health & Rehabilitation Center November 19, 2005 Mari's grandmother dies at Grossmont Hospital of stomach cancer in the evening room 394 bed 2. November 23, 2005 The viewing for Mari's grandmother at Greenwood Mortuary. December 27, 2005 Mari learns ice skating at Horton Plaza! January 22, 2006 Mari goes ice skating at UTC! March 12, 2006 Mari visits Chinatown and the Getty Museum! June 3, 2006 Mari visits Legoland! June 30, 2006 Mari tries the Journey to Atlantis ride at Sea World! July 23, 2006 Mari goes to the San Diego Comic con! August 28, 2006 Mari vacations in San Francisco! October 1, 2006 Mari checks out navy fleet week! October 27, 2006 Mari visits Disneyland! December 16, 2006 Mari inspects the Midway Museum! December 29, 2006 Mari goes to Legoland! March 24, 2007 Mari makes pancakes and goes to Legoland! June 20, 2007 Mari gets tons of awards at her 5th grade Culimination! July 29, 2007 Mari goes to the San Diego Comic Con! August 13, 2007 Phel takes pictures of Mari at La Jolla Cove! December 18, 2007 Mari flies to Phoenix, Arizona! December 19, 2007 Mari drives from Sedona to the Grand Canyon! December 20, 2007 Mari explores Sedona! December 21, 2007 Mari visits the Grand Canyon! October 18, 2008 Mari goes to Legoland! December 20, 2008 Mari finds snow on Cuyamaca Mountain! December 27, 2008 Mari opens her Christmas presents and goes to Sealife at Legoland! March 18, 2009 Mari goes to Disneyland for daddy's birthday! July 23, 2009 Mari goes to Comic Con! July 24, 2009 Mari has a great time on her second day at the San Diego Comic Con! July 25, 2009 Mari spends another day at Comic Con! August 6-7, 2009 Mari goes to Maui on summer vacation! She visits Aloha Mixed Plate and the Maui Ocean Center! August 8, 2009 Mari visits the Black Sand Beach in Makena! August 9, 2009 Mari goes on a guided tour to Hana! August 10, 2009 Mari goes on the Haleakala Skyline Tour with Eco Adventures! August 11, 2009 Mari takes the Pacific Whale Foundation Molokini snorkel tour! August 12, 2009 Mari visits the Hawaii Nature Center in Iao Valley. August 13, 2009 Mari visits the Iao Needle in Iao Valley. Mari goes to a luau! August 14, 2009 Mari goes horseback riding at Mendes Ranch and visits the Maui Nui Botanical Gardens! August 15, 2009 On the last day of Mari's Maui vacation she explores Haleakala National Park! September 19. 2009 Mari is in a tall ships battle on San Diego Bay! October 10, 2009 Mari celebrates Halloween at Sea World! December 25, 2009 Mari opens her Christmas presents! January 16, 2010 Mari goes whale watching! January 17, 2010 Mari works on her globe! February 22, 2010 Mari celebrates Chinese New Year! March 29, 2010 Mari visits Universal Studios for spring break! March 30, 2010 Mari stays at the Andaz and explores Los Angeles. June 18, 2010 Mari graduates from middle school! July 13, 2010 Mari goes to San Francisco for summer vacation! July 14, 2010 Mari searches for great Chinese food in San Francisco! July 15, 2010 Mari finds a great dim sum restaurant in Chinatown! July 16, 2010 Mari goes exploring at the Exploratorium and we find great food at Yee's Restaurant! July 17, 2010 Mari finds great Mexican food in San Francisco's Mission District! July 18, 2010 Mari visits the California Academy of Sciences! July 19, 2010 Mari explores the California Street cable car line and finds a great deal on sim sum! July 22, 2010 Mari goes to Comic Con! July 23, 2010 Day 2 of Mari's adventure at Comic Con! July 24, 2010 Day 3 of Mari's adventure at Comic Con! July 25, 2010 Day 4 of Mari's adventure at Comic Con! September 12, 2010 Mari learns how to windsurf! October 24, 2010 Mari celebrates Halloween at Sea World! November 13, 2010 Mari visits the Children's Museum! December 18, 2010 Mari acts in the play Bang Bang You're Dead! December 24, 2010 Mari visits the Chula Vista Nature Center! December 25, 2010 Mari opens her Christmas presents! February 12, 2011 Mari celebrates Chinese New Year! March 20, 2011 Mari explores Pico Beach San Clemente! March 26, 2011 Mari visits the Spruce St. Bridge for the first time! April 16, 2011 Mari goes to the UCSD green open house! May 7, 2011 Mari goes to Legoland to check out the new Star Wars Miniland! May 8, 2011 Mari has a water fight with Jacque! May 29, 2011 Mari goes to the San Diego Zoo! June 17, 2011 Mari visits the Del Mar Fair and Hodad's downtown San Diego! July 30, 2011 Mari gets a fluffy pillow for her half yearly present! August 4, 2011 Mari spends a week learning to sail catamarans at a 1 week summer camp at Mission Bay Sportscenter! August 5, 2011 Mari goes windsurfing at Mission Bay! August 26, 2011 Mari goes to the Wild Animal Park! December 17, 2011 Mari acts in a play at school! December 19, 2011 Mari goes to snow day at Legoland! December 22, 2011 Mari gets a chocolate chip cake for her birthday! March 24, 2012 Mari goes to Legoland for the Jack party! April 7, 2012 Mari visits Butterfly Jungle at the Wild Animal Park! April 8, 2012 Mari hunts for Easter eggs! April 28, 2012 Mari enters the Los Angeles International Wushu Tournament! April 28, 2012 Mari visits the Los Angeles County Museum of Art! June 7, 2012 I met the artist who created Fallen Star at UCSD. June 29, 2012 Mari vacations in San Francisco and adopts a baby dragon from Chinatown! June 30, 2012 Mari visits Alcatraz and the Aquarium of the Bay! July 2, 2012 Mari visits the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Humphrey Slocombe Ice Cream, and Chef Jia's! July 3, 2012 Mari plays pinball at the Pacific Pinball Museum! July 4, 2012 Mari explores the city on the California St cable car and watches fireworks from Ghirardelli Square! July 5, 2012 Mari visits the California Academy of the Sciences and the de Young Museum. Also we get Chinese sausage at Mow Lee Co. July 6, 2012 Mari hangs out with her new dragon Cassandra. July 14, 2012 Mari travels to Beijing China to study Mandarin with her after school All Stars friends. July 17, 2012 Mari studys Mandarin in Hangzhou China. July 19, 2012 Mari visits Shanghai China. July 20, 2012 Mari works on art in Hangzhou China. July 21, 2012 Mari has dinner at Thomas's home in Hangzhou China. July 22, 2012 Mari has fun in Hangzhou China. July 23, 2012 Mari has lots of friends in the dorms in Hangzhou China. July 24, 2012 Mari leaves the dorms for the last time and goes to do tourist stuff in Beijing China. July 25, 2012 Mari visits Beijing, China! July 26, 2012 Mari walks on the Great Wall of China! July 27, 2012 Mari visits the Forbidden City! July 28, 2012 Mari hangs out with her friends on her last day in China. August 5, 2012 Mari visits Free Flight bird sanctuary in Del Mar! December 25, 2012 Mari opens her Christmas presents! December 26, 2012 Mari visits Free Flight in Del Mar! December 27, 2012 Mari goes to Benihana for her birthday! March 24, 2013 Mari visits Butterfly Jungle at the Wild Animal Park! May 25, 2013 Mari competes in the L.A. International Wushu Tournament! June 29, 2013 Mari goes on summer vacation in San Francisco and visits Lai Hong Lounge. June 30, 2013 Mari visits the De Young Museum in Golden Gate Park. July 1, 2013 Mari visits Muir Woods and Saucalito for the first time! July 2, 2013 Mari climbs to the top of Corona Heights Peak! July 4, 2013 Mari watches fireworks at Fisherman's Wharf! July 5, 2013 Mari plays pinball at the Pacific Pinball Museum in Alameda! July 6, 2013 Mari explores Chinatown! November 2, 2013 Mari celebrates Dia de los Muertos in Old Town! December 21, 2013 Mari visits the Huntington Library! May 22, 2014 Mari graduates high school with honors! May 26, 2014 Mari visits the San Clemente Pier for the first time! June 28, 2014 Mari starts her San Francisco vacation and visits Lai Hong Lounge, the Fortune Cookie Factory, and Chef Hung's in Chinatown! June 29, 2014 Mari has dim sum at East Ocean, plays pinball at the Pacific Pinball Museum, visits La Cumbre Taquiria, and Humprey Slocombe! June 30, 2014 Mari visit the fortune cookie factory, Imperial Palace, and Wa Li Bakery! July 1, 2014 Mari visits Coit Tower for the first time as well as the Ferry building, Lombard St., and Yee's! July 2, 2014 Mari visits the De Young Museum and daddy's aunt. July 3, 2014 Mari goes to Good Mon Kok Bakery for dim sum, rides on the cable cars, and visits Fisherman's Wharf for dinner at Fog Harbor Fish House. July 4, 2014 Mari has dim sum at Hang Ah, shops for Chinese sausage, has dinner at Fog Harbor Fish House, and watches fireworks! July 5, 2014 Mari walks through Chinatown, visits the new Exploratorium for the first time and has dinner at Great Eastern! July 6, 2014 Mari has lunch at Lai Hong Lounge and flies back to San Diego to have lunch with the family at Golden City. |
There are lots more Mari events on her movie page! Mariwatch is presented by Soo. There have been
visitors since June 22, 2001. Please sign email any comments to soo.hom@gmail.com
©2000 Soo Hom |